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International Certificates of Portuguese as a Foreign Language 

The CAPLE center, part of the University of Lisbon's Language Faculty, is the only official place in Portugal that checks and approves people's ability to use Portuguese as a foreign language. This is important for various reasons, such as for studies, work, or becoming a Portuguese citizen. CAPLE's work helps people move and settle into new places around the world.

The University of Lisbon backs CAPLE's certifications, making them officially recognized in Portugal by important government departments like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These certifications are also accepted by many organizations, both in Portugal and internationally, helping people in many different job sectors.

Registration cut-off:

May exams:  April 2024

Nov exams:   Oct. 2024

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Portuguese Access Certificate

The ACESSO Certificate attests to a very simple communication skill in a very limited number of communication situations in the private, public and professional domains, corresponding to level A1 of the CEFR.
The test consists of four components: Reading Comprehension (CL), Written Production and Interaction (PIE), Oral Comprehension (CO), and Oral Production and Interaction (IOP).

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Initial Certificate of Portuguese Foreign Language

CIPLE attests to a basic general ability to interact in a limited number of predictable everyday communication situations. CIPLE users will be able to interact in communication situations that require a very limited use of Portuguese, which does not differ from a general use of the language.
The components of this exam are: Reading Comprehension and Written Production and Interaction, Oral Comprehension and Oral Production and Interaction.

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Elementary Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language

Language users are able to interact in a range of everyday, work and study communication situations that require a mostly predictable language use.
The components of this exam are: Reading Comprehension, Written Production and Interaction, Oral Comprehension, and Oral Production and Interaction.

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Intermediate Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language

The user is able to recognize and start using most common languages ​​as long as the core is known. The comprehension of oral and written texts goes beyond the mere comprehension of factual information, being able to distinguish main elements from secondary ones. Users are able to produce texts of various types. This level allows users to work in contexts where Portuguese is a working language and to attend academic courses. In contexts where Portuguese is both a working and a communication language, there may still be many difficulties.

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Advanced Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language

DAPLE recognizes an advanced level of knowledge of Portuguese. Language users should be able to produce and recognize, in oral and written texts provided for this level, the lexical-syntactic and syntactic-semantic structures of the language with confidence and ease, in a creative and flexible manner.  They are able to use language creatively and flexibly, interacting appropriately in predictable and unpredictable situations. This level allows users to be able to work in contexts where Portuguese is a language of communication or in other contexts where Portuguese is only a working language, and to attend academic courses.

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University Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language

DUPLE recognizes a higher level of knowledge of Portuguese.   Portuguese users have a communicative competence that allows them to use the language with great confidence and at ease, in a creative and flexible way. There may be some difficulties in culturally marked areas such as humor, cultural implications and a very colloquial use of idioletal, socioletal or regional variations. They are able to broaden their active and passive vocabulary and to deepen the different records of oral and written texts production. This level allows them to deepen the cultural component of Portuguese in its linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects (namely, through the recognition and use of linguistics; recognition and potential use of prefixes and suffixes with adjectives and adverbs marked with idiomatic names, etc.), literary, historical and artistic. This level allows them to work with Portuguese as a working language and / or language of communication at work and to attend academic courses


CAPLE PLE exams may be taken by those who do not have Portuguese as their mother tongue and want to prove, for educational, professional or other purposes, their competence in Portuguese, as recognised by each certificate or diploma.

Who can register?
People 16 years of age and older who consider themselves prepared to take the exam of their choice may apply, regardless of how they have learned the language. 

Click here for more information about registration.  

For students applying to Portuguese Citizeship

Foreign nationals applying to Portuguese Citizenship may need to produce proof of their Portuguese Language skills at A2 Level by passing the CIPLE examination.

If this is your case, please visit the dedicated page we have created with all the information you need before you enrol in our CIPLE Preparation Course. 

For students applying to study at a Portuguese University 

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