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Selected read: "Contos com Nível A2" by Lidel Editora

Let's chat about a little gem called "Contos com Nível A2" by Ana Sousa Martins (Lidel Editora), that I've been using for a while now with my A2 students.

Reading in Portuguese language is an excellent way to learn new words, spelling, and grammar. It gets students deep into the language, showing them new words and ways to use them. The tricky part is finding the right things to read. Texts shouldn't be too easy or too boring, but also not too hard to understand.

Contos com Nível - A2 is packed with short, fun stories that are just the right size for a quick read. Plus, it explains all those tricky new words in a way that actually sticks. From my time teaching with this book, I can tell you it's a hit with A2 students – challenging enough to keep things interesting but not so tough that it feels like a chore. It's been a real treat seeing students enjoy learning Portuguese with this book by their side!

How the book is organised

The book comprises 17 highly entertaining short stories, brimming with references to both the past and present culture of Portugal. Designed specifically for students with approximately a year of language learning under their belts (around level A2), it makes reading in Portuguese accessible, engaging, and, above all, fun.

Engaging Exercises for Deeper Understanding

Following each tale, students will find a set of exercises focused on comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar related to the story they've just read.Doing these right after reading makes sure students remember more. And for those keen on checking their progress, solutions are conveniently provided at the end of the book.

The positive impact this book has had in real classroom settings is undeniable. It has not only enriched the students' language learning journey but also underscored a valuable lesson: one need not wait for fluency to appreciate and enjoy a well-told story.

Simple Texts for Effective Learning

"Contos com Nível A2" presents the language in a straightforward way and uses the kind of everyday words students are likely to use, making everything feel more familiar. Whenever they come across a word that's a bit of a puzzle, there's a quick explanation right there on the side to help them out - sometimes even with the help of images, making the learning process smoother and more intuitive.

My hands-on experience with the book

I've been integrating "Contos com Nível A2" into my teaching repertoire for the past four years, and the feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive. They've consistently highlighted how the stories strike the perfect balance between being engaging and accessible, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective. The inclusion of a vocabulary explanation box within the book has been particularly well-received, with many students noting how it significantly aids their understanding and retention of new words and phrases.

Exclusive Resources for Português on Demand Students

Encouraged by the positive feedback from my students, I was inspired to create extra exercises for each story in the book, aiming to enrich the learning journey. This effort was driven by the goal to allow students to dive deeper into the stories and their language elements. At Português on Demand, our students also get a free PDF filled with these extra exercises. These materials offer a more in-depth look at the vocabulary, verb structures, expressions, and other aspects, helping students gain a fuller appreciation of the language and cultural nuances in each story.

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